Confucius: Balance

Ji Zicheng said, “For a superior man, it is only the inner quality that matters. Why mention the outer brilliancy?” “It is a pity that you should have depicted a superior man that way!” said Zigong. “But a word uttered cannot be taken back even by four horses. Inner quality is as important as outer…Read more Confucius: Balance

Good Leaders Respect

A good leader listens to people and reflects on their ideas. If useful they may adopt some of these ideas. They don't feel threatened by people questioning them or from there being a diversity of ideas, practices, etc. A bad leader demands everyone follows them exactly, without question. They only listen to themselves or their…Read more Good Leaders Respect

Learning and Thinking

“Learning without thinking leads to a lost mind without any real knowledge, while thinking without learning often results in confusion.” ~ Confucius Learning and thinking go hand in hand, we can't effectively do one without the other. To be successful at one requires the other. You won't learn much if you don't maintain an open…Read more Learning and Thinking

Why Do You Learn?

The Master said, “The ancient scholars learned for themselves; the present scholars learn for others.” (The Analects 14:24). In this verse Confucius points out that scholars in ancient times and in his his time had different motivations towards learning. This can be interpreted along the lines that in ancient times learning was more for personal…Read more Why Do You Learn?