Early History of the United States of America and the Native American Nations

By Paul Salahuddin Armstrong I have received some questions and comments about my posts celebrating US Independence Day and the fact I speak highly of the Founding Fathers, considering the historic interactions between the United States and the Native American nations, that ultimately resulted in the killing of countless Native American people, and the taking…Read more Early History of the United States of America and the Native American Nations

Did Malcolm X advocate violence or hatred towards White people?

Powerful... Historic interview with Malcolm X, where he clarifies some misconceptions over his views. Malcolm X stood for Freedom, Justice, and Equality. His focus was on securing the Human Rights of African Americans, as they were being totally denied these rights during his lifetime. But what Malcolm X clearly wanted was justice and fairness for…Read more Did Malcolm X advocate violence or hatred towards White people?

Property over Lives?!

While I certainly don't agree with the rioting, I understand. When you dehumanise people for so long, then expect them to behave properly and responsibly when it's in your interests, what can you expect? Though, it must be stressed that in spite of centuries of oppression and dehumanisation, most of the protests are peaceful –…Read more Property over Lives?!

MLK: Let Us Rise

"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. #MLK50